
We have always eaten very well in this house. Food has always been prepared with love, attention and dedication. We have placed the importance of the primary ingredients above everything else, able to grow some of the vegetables that end up in the kitchen ourselves, and sourcing the rest from local suppliers whenever possible as well as buying authentic Italian-made products.

A lot is made from scratch in this house, the daily bread, sausages, polenta, ravioli, pasta sauces, pizza, gnocchi, focaccia, etc… and the occasional cordial… and we pride ourselves in making things with our own hands – this is the essence of Fatto in Casa: it is made at home.  We are looking forward to sharing our food and home with those interested in experiencing authentic Italian cooking in a garden setting. We will be offering Italian food that is not necessarily found in restaurants, food that is saved for simpler meals at home (and simplest is often best), like ‘pasta con i ceci’ (pasta with chickpeas), ‘mozzarella in carrozza’ (breaded and fried mozzarella sandwich), ‘pomodori ripieni di riso’ (rice-filled roasted tomatoes), ‘pasta con le sarde’ (pasta with sardines and fennel), ‘arancine’ (no translation!) and many more dishes that have been at the heart of this home and this family for years.

Coming this summer: ‘lunches in the garden’ – !

buon appetito!